Sunday, October 4, 2009

How Do You Get Into Heaven? / Who Knows You? (@johnfehlen)

October 4th - WSFC
Pastor John Fehlen

There's a thin line between ashy and classy
If I'm on stage should I not be flashy
Should I be reserved and sanctified
Looking bored and maybe terrified
   Where should I stand. Can't be on the fence
Cuz a shameful heart eventually repents
But should I stay and worship how I do
Or would it be a sin and offend you
   Dont wanna make my brethren stumble
So should I be free or shall I be humble
I feel like your eyes cut me through
I pray you see my heart see the truth
   When you judge I hope you find a friend in me
I need love from you please. Not an enemy
Give me humility give me patience
I need love just like Galatians

The crowd hears this and they'll say
How can anyone ever be saved
(Jesus said)
there are thing some men can't change
But GOD (yes God) can do anything  

Who has sight if I was once blind
Who is righteous if you've been all your life
How far from God are we both
I remember communion as we make a toast
   Do I sin if I beg for some money
Are you perfect if you taste like honey
These comparisons are not that fair
How good is man at the end of the year
   Ive followed the commandments to a T
But I still fall short of Gods glory
Why call Jesus good, only God is good alone
You can do everything & still not have a home
   Wealth won't help, you made the wrong list
Give away your possesions, sing the song like this
Handle the circumstance and deny all evil 
A camel has a better chance entering the eye of a needle 

The crowd hears this and they'll say
How can anyone ever be saved
(Jesus said)
there are thing some men can't change
But GOD (yes God) can do anything


John newton amazing grace
Christ is a great savior

Perfect Jew faultless
Hebrew of Hebrews 
Killed followers of Christ
Saul > Paul 

If there's a god shaped hole in my heart
Is there an earth shaped hole in gods heart

Would god accept someone not perfect
Would I go to heaven if I was good but didn't go to church

The rich young ruler
Blind Bart 

Matthew 18:18
Luke 18:18
Luke 13:23
Luke 18:35
Mark 10
Matthew 7