Friday, February 20, 2009

Letter to those in my community

Whether you have met me personally or if you know nothing about me, I would like to share with you my story and why I feel the need to share the Gospel using the Hip-Hop culture and its style of music as a tool to reach the generations, especially the youth. I go by the name Chris Treborn, and my friends call me Christian. Usually, when people ask who I am or what my name is; I say "Christian". The most common response is; "is that who you are or what you are?" and I say BOTH! I am unashamed to admit I am a follower of Christ Jesus.

It took me a long time to realize I had to die to myself and strip everything of my past including my name. So now when people get to know me they learn about Christ and what I do for Him. Chris Treborn is a name I chose to personify the name of Jesus. This will ensure that God is the only one visible in my lyrics. Even when I speak of myself and my life, it is only what God has blessed me with. It says in Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17; "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" This is my declaration to the world. I am Reborn in Christ. I am dead to sin and alive in Christ. By being baptized into Christ, I was also baptized into his death and his resurrection. This is Romans Chapter 6.

I relocated from The San Francisco Bay Area in California because a change in life was important. Instead of just working 40 hours a week and performing and recording Holy Hip Hop between shifts, I decided to flee fortune. Leaving all the material things behind, I knew I needed to pursue God more. I needed to follow Christ more than ever before. I was in desperate need of building a stronger relationship with our Father. The fast pace lifestyle was just too tedious, too trendy, and very much like a slow form of suicide.

Although I haven't always practiced Christian Values, I have struggled and seen both sides of the spectrum from the good, to the bad, to the ugly. I have always felt like I am a messenger of the good word, a positive message. As a sewer of moral fiber, I know I need to stay inspirational and encouraging through my music, and my life. This is my calling. This is the gift God has given me. Now I feel it is my duty to share with the world - Christians and non-believers.

I come to you as a part of the Body of Christ. My goal is not to gain anything of the world, but just play my part and be a strong part. If I can accomplish this I will need your help as I am set to connect with those in the community. I have been planting seeds and I have been attacked as well as blessed for my good doings. This music needs to be heard, not for the musical part but for the lyrical content.

I am influenced to bring you a poetic journey with diversity & metaphors that morph with the instrumentals. I am attempting to bridge the generations with love through music by speaking clearly into your ears and your hearts. This IS NOT about a Religion. This is about a relationship. This is about God's Unconditional Love. This is about sharing community. This is about influencing others with Inspiration and Encouragement regardless of race, taste in music, or age. And with our music we will discipline disciples. This is The Great Commission of Christ!

If you or anyone you know is willing to invite me to any kind of event whether it is something for the entire church or just the youth - please open your arms and embrace what I have to offer. I am grateful for any offer and I do appreciate any donation possible. I also have CDs for sale, which sometimes helps for food or gas expenses. If God plans on blessing me that way, I will allow it. I just want to come out and share my gift and talent with you.

I have performed in front of many of people older than me including Senior Citizens. Many of them have personally come up to me and thanked me for sharing my music with them even though they don't listen to Hip-Hop. The comment I get the most is; "I don't usually listen to rap, but I enjoyed your music because I could hear and understand every word." This is very true, and I am happy to say that I strive to be heard clearly. That is the only way I can be affective. Loud music and muffled lyrics will not reach any listener. And I refuse to turn people away.

When it comes to performing, I have done plenty of shows in all kinds of venues including Lounges, Coffee Houses, Company Picnics, Fund-Raisers, and Family Reunions. I also book other artists and bands to come perform when we plan a full concert. Recently I performed for a community block party known as National Night Out and Relay for Life.

Mostly I have performed in churches since my music is Christian Music. There is a lot to be said to those that don't have salvation, but there is a lot that the Kingdom can learn as well. My music confirms the promises of God and encourages the heart of every listener. My music provides instructions and guidelines for believers to live by. This is why I set the best example I can in real life and in my music. I might talk the talk, but I prefer to walk the walk...and so I face this task daily.

I will not leave you disappointed. The purpose of my music is to give all the glory to God our father in heaven. Let's make it happen. Let's share community and let us grow together in faith. They say the youth is the future, but look where we are going as we take the fast lane into the 21st century. The youth need to know now more than ever before. How will we reach them if we do not speak their language and share their interests? We can't afford to lose them.

The enemy is trying desperately to bring us all down by dividing us and conquering us. What we need is to deliver a T.K.O.! Matthew 5:10 tells us we can accomplish that because The Kingdom's Ours! Let's not let anyone take it from us. In Jesus' precious name I pray we stand and unite. Amen!

Thank you for your time and for the things you do in the community through the church.
I appreciate you.