Sunday, October 24, 2010

#BlessedAre - The Merciful ~ Sermon: @JohnFehlen

Blessed Are; The merciful. Matthew 5:7, 38-48
Pastor John Fehlen
West Salem Foursquare Church
October 24h, 2010


At the sermon on the mount, is where it all begins
do you hold it to the core; revengeful relationships?
next there are those, with resentful attitudes
but we should reflect on Matt. 5's beatitudes

Draw emotional lines, invisible, imaginary
in your heart you pay them back, that is scary
swirling with anxiety + frustration is common
anticipation isn't stoppin', but it needs to be stoppin'

Are you the patron saint of grudges?
a grudge mentality leaves us without judges
we don't want to end up blind and sightless
a law of Lamech, we all got to fight this

This type of thought must be neutralized
what we need is mercy, make it supersized
what does it mean and look like to have mercy?
grab urgency, and take them, it's an emergency

MERCY - responds to human pain
MERCY - allows the LORD to reign
MERCY - pursues the future things
MERCY - forgives the past & sings

MERCY - is no respecter of persons
MERCY - is what we are(n't) deservin'
MERCY - even when we feel worthless
MERCY - was paid in full with Christ's purchase

If you suffer, you hide; which they expect
sometimes you share yourself, its the 'birthday effect'
doing it alone, can't carry pain on our own
heavy is the royalty, that sits upon that thrown

Think outside the hash-marks, stop stepping in puddles
people are trying to break up our little 'holy huddles'
they feel as though, there is not enough bandwidth
how can they tear the iron curtain or withstand it

Don't think that it's "Us four and No more"
befriend the peculiar trust more and know more
this isn't a club that is exclusive either
this is all inclusive make no excuse neither

Let's extend mercy to those with no arm and no leg
this is our body our family, we don't need t beg
how many cripples do you know in this walk?
how many mutes are more than willing to talk?

MERCY - responds to human pain
MERCY - allows the LORD to reign
MERCY - pursues the future things
MERCY - forgives the past & sings

MERCY - is no respecter of persons
MERCY - is what we are(n't) deservin'
MERCY - even when we feel worthless
MERCY - was paid in full with Christ's purchase


Matthew 5:7
Matthew 5:38-38
Matthew 18
Matthew 23
Genesis 4
Leviticus 24
Exodus 21
Deuteronomy 19
Psalm 41
Galatians 6:1-5
James 2:13
James 3:17

Friday, October 22, 2010

#BlessedAre - The Pure In Heart ~ Sermon: @JohnFehlen Poem: @Treborn

Blessed Are; The pure in heart. Matthew 5:8
Pastor John Fehlen
West Salem Foursquare Church
October 17th, 2010


No one wakes up and makes a decision
It starts slow. Like a great incision
Walking on tracks and grazed by a train
Live to walk away to explain
You gotta kill'em when they're small
Issues in life grow to be tall
You need more than counsel and rehab
The cost to pay could really be bad
Before we are broken. Need to be spoken
End up broke'n nobody's jokin'
Look at the beatitudes and see - don't stare
See the state of our minds mouth and marriage
Can our brain be stopped with purity
Let's be frank and touch on adultery
It's not just for men, it's meant for far more
For humanity. The city slicker and farmer

Men feel convicted but women should too
Walkin'round with a red 'A'. Know it could be you
Damage, it's a battle. It's epic so stay sound
The mind is known as the devil's playground
A subversive level is where we approach
We need hyperbole to multiply like a roach
Never committed adultery. But my heart
I've thought in attempt. That is the start
Sensualized and sexualized on the daily
We need discipline, symbolism, not plainly
If it were literal, we'd enter the kingdom
Without an eye or member. We can't see'em
Stumblin' with our stubs. Living on weak sin
Stutterin' in our duds. It's a touch weekend
Blind men, are like the bleeding Pharisees
Even paperbacks are bound. It's clear to see

Deal with the root. No doubt.
What were you thinking... About?
Behind the blindfold
What if it slips? Well, I'm told
It's a wardrobe malfunction. Yup
Similar to a dysfunctional step

Renew the mind. With the word
A tilt towards the right. Haven't you heard
Cut in on it. And re-orientate yourself
Refill like Phil & his 4:8 philter for health
Pull up a chair. This is tough right here
Approach it with caution but not a fear
No legalism no liberalism either
The Bible is authoritative. Let's be there
God is so gracious. We are gentle
make your heartfelt concern mental
no need to expound with the code words
if it's in context, & if you know verbs
You must control it. Before it breaks out
yield with caution. Before the breaks go out
God has always been elevating women
but society has been down on them

Answer with a question. Find the heart of the matter
Not a commandment. It was permitted. No chatter
He acknowledged it. Not promoted it
Diagnosed it. But he didn't invent it


Matthew 5:8
Titus 1:15
Matthew 5:27-37
Philippians 4:7-8
Psalm 19
Matthew 19:3-9
1 Corinthians 7 & 8
Deut. 24


1. The state of your mind // Matthew 5:27-30
~Renew it (Romans 12:1)
~Refill it (Philippians 4:7-8)

2. The state of your marriages // Matthew 5:31-32
~Divorce and remarriage, although contrary to God's original intent, are not unforgivable
~Most couple seeking divorce today do so for unbiblical reasons
~Remarriage should not be pursued when the possibility of reconciliation is available
~Marriage vows can be maintained regardless of any Biblical 'exceptions.' The power of God can heal and restore

3. The state of your mouth // Matthew 5:33-37
~Hold it (Proverbs 17:27-28)
~Heal it (Luke 6:45)


When we ask why it is necessary for Jesus to preach a sermon of this kind, we find that the answer is to be found in the fact that sin separates us from God. If Jesus' first words are 'love God' and 'love your neighbor', the intervening words becomes, "I have difficulty doing that; and in fact, it is utterly impossible for me to do so out of my own resources because I am cut off from God, and I am separated from my neighbor." Jesus would have not demanded that we love God and love our neighbor if we were not confronted by the problem of sin. He suggests throughout his message that the problem of sin is not located primarily in our overt interactions with one another, but is to be found, instead, in the heart.

Carl Vaught in 'The Sermon on the Mount'

Monday, October 11, 2010

A poem of Hurt


I look around and what do I see
too many brutes many of them can't see
I can't believe how much hurt there is
nine gifts of H.S. have they heard of this

What could you purchase that's above the law
I would rather stand in love with awe
but how can one handle hurt in my country
for the love (of $) people are sold out for money

No doubt the gold they hold out with pity
there's hurt in my state and hurt in my city
no mistake to make take a break be col
there is hurt in my 'hood and hurt in this school

Pain can be felt can't you feel the pain
it smells like wet dirt hurt pours like rain
how simply can I explain the same thing
over and over again and even if I sing

Who would even hear how I feel so alive
if all are so deaf like Lamentations five
many laugh and hide but they don't lack pride
deep down inside superficial feelings reside

Who could ever hide from reliving hurt
I would rather relieve my body from dirt
how would that work keep it separated
it's hard if we made it don't grad be educated

Sunday, October 10, 2010

#BlessedAre - The Peacemakers ~ Sermon: @JohnFehlen Poem: @Treborn

10/09/10, 10/10/10 -
West Salem Foursquare Church
Pastor John Fehlen
Series: Blessed Are

Scripture: "Blessed (enjoying enviable happiness, spiritually prosperous--with life-joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they shall be called the sons of God!"


Down to the border and it's absent of tourists
hunting for food, walking like for sure it's...
(hunger) with senses so peaked, everything is exasperated
b-line it back, never over-exaggerated
Anticipation, and sense of anxiety
that's when we lack PEACE, in such a variety
more than a frame of mind, who's in control
there's an absence of PEACE in us as a whole
The so-n-so's are coming, time to act right
tomorrow's a Red Dawn, surviving the fast life
stay keen to your surroundings - don't flirt
war-like conditions, is it an Amber Alert
Even those that are found, in the reserves
a simulation is fabricated, yet they get hurt
turmoil beyond, can we try to work at PEACE
not a hippie mentality, take it to the streets

PEACE be made and PEACE be shaped
in our culture, today till the end of the age
PEACE is a hallmark version of God
exibit the fruits of the spirit - it's not hard
Make PEACE, it begins with God's relation
missing a piece, in need of salvation
natural steps; Reality of sin-tation
is there separation, need reconciliation
Remedy is the cross, that is PEACE
Response is; Lord, you're mine, my PEACE
get your hear right and it will flow
make PEACE and share PEACE with your bro
Deal with anger and what lies below
if a friend comes against you, do know
'behind every act is an attitude'
what you put out comes back at you

Don't act so rude, don't be a hater
anger is the common denominator
Jesus wants to deal with humans
they're the wild card, confusing
Spirituality connects with humanity
not Christianity, anger in your heart's a calamity

Not a momentary action, it smolders
like a volcano, it burns inside with boulders
until it blows up, explodes, kaboom
kadosh, kadosh, we need 3 holys in this room
You fool - we speak out as if they're hopeless
they are helpless without God, no hope distress
is it stress, you'll surely speak your heart
use your phrasology proper - it's hard
Killing me softly, with your song
your words are poison, to my ears all along
head off to the temple for your worship
bathe and change clothes, before your ship...
Sails with no sails, now sacrifice
don't ignore, or reject, slave to a vice
you've been so hurt, and your gifts mean nothing
be reconciled 1st and live at PEACE - that's something

It's not them it's you, drinking that poison
who's dying? it's us, yet you've been chosen
settle it quickly before it's out of hand
fix it simply, it's time we got to stand
If your brother sins against you
go privately, that's the 1st thing you do
tell them the issue, before the time past
years pass, don't dump it or make a blast
Take steps of healing and take company
they can hear and pray, the truth is ugly
do it corporately, bring them to the church
people know how to reason and search
Got to treat lovingly, even without resolution
love the lost and those that hate our solution
lost in their pollution, with potential and worth
be a PEACE maker, not naturally - it's work


Romans 14:18

Colossians 3:15

Hebrews 13:20

Romans 5:20
Galatians 5:22
Matthew 5:21-26