Sunday, January 17, 2010

Poetic Notes: on Rooted & Built Up by @JohnFehlen

Poetic Notes: on Rooted & Built Up by @JohnFehlen

January 17, 2010: Pastor John Fehlen
2020 Vision :: The next ten years of west salem foursquare
Rooted & Built Up

Verse 1: 
   Paul is reflecting on how we plant seeds & grow
Not a styrofoam cup, but what you bare in your soul
Now there are groups & cults similar to housing developments
A bunch of over-spiritual people - astounding embarassment
   How many love Jesus, but not the church or religion
Free-lance religion, like an open source buffet of decision
A sad form of spiritualism, the centerpiece is vague & poor
So much built around it now you see nothig of the same core
   People want to blame more, not give but to take more
As if it's the same store, taking advantage of the grace-Lord
They take a healthy apple & fit it onto their tree
But that apple bears fruit, it's the key it's the seed
   Why the greed? You know how I mean about his version
We distort divine truth, twist it into a per-version
Now the insertion, this is why Paul's concerned
Passion in his action like a fireman - don't get burned

The end result is our heart not our pedigree
We can do all good things & not get into heaven? Gee!
Let me embed in speach. To know Christ is heavenly. 
We must experience not just learn - let's witness & everything
I pray we are ROOTED. Then to be BUILT UP. 
Allow us to be STRENGTHENed. OVERFLOWING His cup. 
This is not a hiccup, it's all about His love
It's divine activity, no need to doubt this love

Verse 2:
   Farmers workin overtime preparing soil for the seed
Once it is planted it is GOD's. Only He can foresee
Will it take? Will it grow? Will we reap? What we sew?
Some people make music, some listen to the stereo 
   Yeah, you got a fire, a desire to rise higher
But you better find a balance, before you expire
If you are a tree over-saturated - you will rootrott
Over tap resources, this is just a food for thought
   Dont end up an 'ugly-tree', let's call it a tumbleweed
Living life so free, but in all it is so lonely
Don't grumble to me. "Been there. Done that. Bought the t-shirt"
Think the cost is free? He bought the hurt with worth
   You can have a water thirst, but it all takes time
Not over night, it's a process - perhaps a paradigm
Be a keeper of truth, let's desire and seek
B'cuz "the deeper the roots (then) the higher the reach"

Chorus 2:
The end result is our heart not our pedigree
We can do all good things & not get into heaven? Gee!
To know Christ is heavenly. Let me embed in speach.
Let's witness & everything We must experience not just learn
I pray we are ROOTED. Then to be BUILT UP. 
Allow us to be STRENGTHENed. OVERFLOWING His cup. 
This is not a hiccup, no need to doubt this love
It's divine activity, it's all about His love

Colossians 2:6-7 (Amplified Bible)

6As you have therefore received Christ, [even] Jesus the Lord, [so] walk (regulate your lives and conduct yourselves) in union with and conformity to Him.

    7Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving.

Additional Notes:

Live in long obedience in the same direction
Be rooted
Be built up
Be strengthened
Be overflowing

A. To connect deeper
B. To grow higher

For small group discussions:

•What is the condition of your spiritual soil?
•What do you think about this statement from Dallas Willard: "Almost every problem that we see afflicting, paralyzing, & even killing Christians & groups of Christians today would never even arise in a context where the primacy oc apprenticeship to Jesus is accepted and developed through a corresponding course of training."
•How has our overly-spiritualized culture helped and/or hurt Christian discipleship?