The CEO made a Recording Studio with everything it needed. He looked at what he created and said; "This is Good!". Alone, the Studio was awesome. The only thing was, he had all the Equipment needed, but he didn't have anyone to Work it & put it to good use. So then he created the Producer. Someone that Work the Studio, put it to good use and take care of it. The Producer loved the Studio and learned how to Work everything.
But one day, the Producer got Lonely & Bored, so the CEO gave him Instruments. The Producer enjoyed the Instruments and he even gave them each a name. After Playing with each one, the Producer again got Lonely & Bored. And one day, he fell asleep in his comfy Studio chair. The CEO took a Talent from the Producer & created a Vocalist. The CEO knew that the Vocalist would bring Joy + Happiness to the Producer and now they could make Beautiful Music together.
When the Producer awoke from his Slumber, he saw the Vocalist, heard her sing like an Angel and exclaimed; "WHOA MAN!". He was quite impressed with what the CEO made from his Talent. The CEO commanded them to make Beautiful Music and create Songs to fill the air waves.
To be continued...