Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Most Interesting Man In The World #CanYouSeeHim? Revelation 19

May 2nd, 2010 Pastor John Fehlen

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
The most interesting man in the world
Here he comes from heaven as they open
On a brilliant white horse, he's chosen
   With his army behind him in white and pure
Enemies will be slain and offer a cure
Heal the world, make it a better place
Everything on the earth will be replaced
   Time to make it new, build it from scratch
We put our hands to it and make it last
The old will pass, no longer do we fast
He prepares a meal, a feast alas
   Its written on his robe & on his thigh
King of Kings Lord of Lords - holy on high
Holy. Holy. Holy. Three times and righteous
He's returning to us, riding right beside us

Cleaning it up He's a total overcomer
He said, he'll be back Like the love for summer
Faithful and true Yeah he makes war
He's the real deal Not a fake lord
When it comes to him There's no ambiguity
Almighty all-powerful The rest are so puny
Whom else can go to battle Dazzled in white 
It's a dirty job But you know they'll fight
   Once dirty people, now soldiers of light
Seasoned with salt, staying holy all night
Don't sit on the bench, gotta get in the game
Faith on auto-pilot, barely using his name
   What a shame, living in guilt
Driven to be righteous, you're already killed
You want to be healed, but walking in faith
Change your pace today, today pace for change