Last month seemed like a huge test or trial for many of those I care about. This month has been better yet kind of excruciating. I am overwhelmed by a relentless God. Yes. It's crazy love. We immediately seek counsel, or pray. But I have a suggestion (as suggested by Francis Chan)...
What if I told you to stop talking AT God for a while, but instead to take a long, hard work at Him before you speak another word? Solomon warned us not to rush into God's presence with words. That's what fools do. And often, that's what we do.
Be obedient: listen and take heed to what you hear.
God has placed a number of you in my life for a divine purpose. I love that I don't have to walk this life alone. This battle is brutal but the war is enduring. I am a soldier moving forward into battle with my armour. And with my shield of faith to prevent firey darts from hitting me. But the enemy is unfair and keeps shooting them at me, when I'm my weakest, and even when I'm my strongest.
My faith may withstand a few arrows. But eventually it will wear me down and I will no longer be able to move forward. I will be caught dead in my tracks. I pray for help. I thank God He has placed you guys there on the frontline with me. If I didn't have back up, I would be captured and devoured by the enemy.
Let's get each other's backs. Allow us to uplift and encourage one a other. Not only pray, but share our joy for the Lord. Let us share our testimonies. We are all going through something right now. We need to be encouraged and strengthened. Let's unite as one body. Under God. Indivisible. With liberty and justice.
You guys have listened to me. You have answered my questions. You have been there for me when I needed inspiration. I appreciate you all. Even when you aren't 100%, you give me just what I need. I praise God and I thank Jesus for you and your willingness and your desire for God. I love you passion. I love how He blesses you. And through those blessings I am blessed as well.
I pray I can do and be the same for you.
May God bless you with grace, peace, mercy, patience, self-control, love, gentleness, kindness, hope, and faith. I pray you find wisdom as you seek him as well.