My peer and good friend Fresh Mann asked me to jump on a song for a Mixtape from Death2Self Records.
He said he had me in mind for this song that included my name. He asked if I had ever heard the song "Party Like A Rockstar". I honestly answered NO. Ge told me the concept was flipping it from rock/rockstar to chris/christian.
Because I hadn't heard the original, he played the first minute of the song so I would get a good idea of where we're coming from. I noticed that they were mocking white boys, skateboarders, and possibly punk rockers. I decided to mock some of the music they play where I'm from.
I also decided to explain how to party like a Christian; by 'Following the Leader!' Check out our fan favorite on Fresh Mann's new Mixtape presented by Death2Self Records.
The purpose of this Mixtape is to fill you in on Fresh Mann. He released "IM FRESH Part A" in 2007 and is working on "Part B". This Mixtape is appropriately titled "IM FRESH Interlude". You can find a song from Part B featured on Holy Hip Hop's compilation.
Download it for FREE here;