Friday, July 31, 2009

Is Church that Bad? (In Reply to @PastorRuss09)

I'm a first generation Christian & I thirst for church. I find it such a privilege to be fed & gain knowledge for free!

I suggest listening to Da T.R.U.T.H.'s sermon on Worship in the Local Assembly & see what a benefit it is to be in church and worship. He compares it to being fans of Oprah, Mike Jack, & the Celtics. How everyone unites and cheers for their idols. And in the same way we need to cheer for Jesus & idolize our creator.

I can see how a PK would like to rebel, because I rebelled from the environment I was raised in. So in a way it could be debated whether it's nature or nurture too.

We are blessed with the opportunity to choose our church. I feel like the church has done a lot of extreme things to bring in the generations. A church down the street from me now has a Drive-In service.

It's not like they aren't trying. I can't get enough that's why I get free sermons/podcasts from iTunes. I've gone to church even when I can't step foot in the building.

Like Da TRUTH says; we need that desire for God. And if we don't we need to ask God to put the desire in our hearts. It's all there, we just need Him to spark the flame inside us.

That's me though. I lived 16 years without following Christ & it took me 7 more years to figure out I need to not just follow Christ but know Him.

To me Church is like the gym. I go there to build the body & I'm addicted. It's not just a routine. But to some it is. It's not just to be healthy. But to some it is. I go because I love going. I enjoy seeing people there. I don't even mind a membership fee. It is all worth it to me.

I know with technology there are several ways we can get the church without going to church, but it's like a concert. Da TRUTH is right. You need to feel the Spirit move. That is so worth it. The experience. The look. The feel. The vibe.

I love it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cheer for the Hometown Hero!

As I write this, I am witnessing a spider weave it's web.

It came from another place, and made a perimeter. From there it created a strong center to be its home base. After building a strong enough foundation it expanded to it's outer boundaries and webbed back to the core. Once it was finished it gladly sat in the middle and rested. It was home, for now.

I can't help but think this is how our Ministry should be.


We are equal & need to unite equally for God! We all play different rolls but we should be pumping out 100% passion 100% love and so on. We are only as strong as our weakest link!

This is why I posted my question. I haven't been disciplined (as a disciple) one on one, but I've searched my heart and I've explored God's word to strengthen my faith. Sometimes I feel weak or incomplete.

So as (Rappers) Ministers preach to the lost, I feel left out. Although I can gain from them, I need to be edified too. Not just know how to crank a Holy Ghost version. That's why I love being able to 'bump' some & 'breathe' others. If you don't preach to the choir, who does, Top 40?

I guess at times I get discouraged & as a first generation believer/Christian I feel weak or less important than those raised in the church. Then they rebel and sin and I just shake my head. How can people leave or rebel from something others are dying to know and living to serve? Boggles my mind!

I love hearing different perspectives because not everyone is a light skinned guy born and raised in the Bay Area. Not everyone was influenced by MC Hammer, Too $hort, & 2pac.

Not everyone left the gang life or thug styles to pursue God. I understand there is a need & a calling for us to reach those we left. But I think the church needs awareness too. They need to be loved and cherished and ministered to.

I completely understand that a hospital's purpose is to heal the sick, but where do the doctor's go when they are ill?

I think we have lost the personal connection and the original point of discipleship. We now want our ministry to multiply in quantity instead of quality. Don't get me wrong, not every minister is like this. But we as Christians need to know our responsibility as Christians.

Share the gospel.
Be examples.
Inspire non-believers.
Encourage each other.
Edify our family.

I know I can quote 2pac; "How can we fix over there if we ain't fixed home yet?" I strongly agree with him on this. How can we reach those out there when we haven't reached those in our own house, our own family, our neighbors, our community??? How far did Jesus go? That's why I admire the hometown hero.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson for the Love of Christ!

I couldve watched it Live online but decided to be different than everyone else. 

I've heard everyone and their pastor talk about it online via social networks so it kind of ruined it for me.  

With everyone so jazzed up about MJ it kinda killed my feelings and impression for/of him. No one cared when he released his last CD. No one has cared what his life was like the past 7 years. The only ppl that cared were ppl going to see him on tour soon. 

But now that he no longer exists ppl want to jump back on the wagon and share with the world how close to Michael they were or how connected to his music they were or how his music has affected them. Fine.  

But where the hell have these ppl been? They weren't telling us a single thing about MJ within the last decade. They just came out of no where. It posses me off big time. 

Not to compare the king of pop with the king of kings because that's blasphemy, but in some ways this is how it was with Jesus. 

They crucified this man. They never believed him. They didn't listen to him. They never followed him. They might have never even seen him in person. But now that he is dead, EVERYONE wants to be connected to him somehow. Not because of what he did. If it was for what he did it wouldve been clear you were with him back when he was touring. The truth is, they only mention his name because he is FAMOUS. Everyone has heard of him. Now everybody wants a piece of his light so they can seem brighter. Well it doesn't work that way. 

You cannot be known for knowing a famous person. It's so disappointing how this world reacts. I just pray that one day we will all unite like this for the love of Christ!

It's a mad world.  We live in a stark raving, sick sad little world.     

Monday, July 6, 2009

Free Mixtape featuring Northwest Hip-Hoppers


My peer and good friend Fresh Mann asked me to jump on a song for a Mixtape from Death2Self Records.

He said he had me in mind for this song that included my name. He asked if I had ever heard the song "Party Like A Rockstar". I honestly answered NO. Ge told me the concept was flipping it from rock/rockstar to chris/christian. 

Because I hadn't heard the original, he played the first minute of the song so I would get a good idea of where we're coming from. I noticed that they were mocking white boys, skateboarders, and possibly punk rockers. I decided to mock some of the music they play where I'm from. 

I also decided to explain how to party like a Christian; by 'Following the Leader!' Check out our fan favorite on Fresh Mann's new Mixtape presented by Death2Self Records. 

The purpose of this Mixtape is to fill you in on Fresh Mann. He released "IM FRESH Part A" in 2007 and is working on "Part B". This Mixtape is appropriately titled "IM FRESH Interlude".  You can find a song from Part B featured on Holy Hip Hop's compilation. 

Download it for FREE here;