Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nobody Is Pefect


Nobody is perfect. Not even celebrities or heroes or artists. 

This event I think is a big part of moving forward in the Kingdom. Look how a mistake has created a ripple effect throughout our family our community. Although bad things created this, it will be used to glorify GOD. 

Fans and fellow Artists need to pray for this man. Remember when TON3X released Naked Truth? Just imagine if everyone prayed for him instead of bashing him. We need to not make the same mistake. When I got the email from CMR I was glad to see how sound they were in following God's law. And although I was disappointed in Ambassador I know he is human. I forgave him in my heart immediately!

I still pray for him and we all need to. I rember going to a church service and the pastor preached about praying for our leaders and especially our mentors and pastors. They need to be protected. We need to understand we are under them and if they are weakened then we will be too. 

We need them to be strong even when the enemy tries to bring them down. They can only be strengthen through prayer. We must unite in the Holy Spirit and be one giant prayer pleading to God that our brother will be restored in Christ! If one falls we all fall. 

Divide and conquer. 

Please body of Christ, don't be divided by the Ambassador. If we can come together for Change and vote for one person to lead us, then we can defintely come together in prayer and lift up our own sibling.

 If you are on top of the world you will fall off. Not saying Amba was the top of HHH but he is a pioneer in the Christian Rap game. We must understand we are no one especially without Jesus. We can not survive in this world alone and without Him. Get it?

Let me ask you this. When R-Swift lost his son what did you do?

Did you pray for him? Did you drop him an email or comment on his myspace? Was it positive or negative? Did you see God glorified through this tragic event. It was a bad thing that affected him and his family. So what is the difference? I understand that the tragedy is different enough you shouldn't compare them, but we should nor be different on how we reply to him or interact with him. 

I suggest you listen to the Wade-O Radio show episodes 29 Interview with Tonex & 113 Interview with Pastor Eric Mason. If you aren't touched by these episodes you need to check yourself like playing chess alone. Pray is a powerful tool. Use it. Wade-O shows this is true in epi.29


Purpose: Why Was I Saved?


Although I was saved to go to heaven when I was 16, I followed Jesus & boy did I stumble. I became fully submitted @ 23 & got baptized, since then I walked with Jesus. 

If Jesus isn't there in heaven when I get there, I will know Jesus is with me. Even if it's just spiritually. 

Therefore, I am not saved to go to heaven, I am saved by God's grace to be a tool used by Him. And Jesus isn't the question, He is the answer. I could never make it to heaven without Him being the way truth & life. 

He is the key to the door, not the couch in the living room. I guess that means He is not our homeboy, He is our guide. Our flashlight as we go hiking. The gas in our vehicle. 

Only when we understand the trinity can we understand Jesus' goal, purpose, & place in our lives & in heaven.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are you still being punished for the crimes you committed?

My question earlier today was;

Do you feel like you are still being punished (spiritually, emotionally, financially) for your past sins? By sins, I am implying Divorce, Sexual Immorality, & Stealing.

If you commit a crime you will have to pay the consequences. That we all know. Do you consider yourself a criminal even when you commit a crime against God?

Do you follow all of the laws? Or do you follow most of them, or just the ones you justify as being the ones you should follow.

At times I feel like I made some bad choices. I committed crimes against others, and I feel I'm still being punished for my mistakes. I have heard God forgives, but I am not being blessed in the ways I expect or think I should. It's as if I don't feel God's grace anymore. Am I losing faith? Am I growing older & thinking more rational? I'm I being to logical?

I bring up this question because I know how bad a divorce can be, and not just financially or emotionally, but spiritually. You say your vows, and you agree to stay together for as long as you both shall love. What happened to "until death do us part"? Is that no longer an option to agree upon? Either way, a divorce means you are agreeing to disagree & go your seperated ways. This might better one person, but it doesn't always better both parties. 

One has been sinned against, but why should the victim pay for the sinner's actions? This is what I see more often than none. I am saddened by this. In search of God's love & grace I pose these questions.     

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Poetic Notes on "More Is(n't) Better" (Sermon by @JohnFehlen)

In life, we need a cure for anxiety
Sometimes, passion is sure to die in me
Desire ends, when satisfaction begins
Expire my sins, dissatisfaction within
   Compare me to a bird
   Compare me to a flower
   Am I a letter in your word
   Or a second in your hour
In life, we need a cure for anxiety
Sometimes, passion is sure to die in me
Expire my sins, dissatisfaction within
Desire ends, when satisfaction begins
   Compare me to a flower
   Compare me to a bird
   Am I a second in your hour
   Or a letter in your word
Why thank the Lord, for your food prepared
What can be stored, if the goods are shared
Write me a letter, from a Roman Prison
No man is better, without a provision
   Ive learned the secret, of being content
I've earned a recipe, connected to Him
You can dig a hole, for radical simplicity
Live in buck 40, a sabbatical from the city
   You can learn the lessons, of Saint Francis
Do you need or want more, what's great satisfaction
Rotate on an axis, relate to the antients
The fact(s) is, don't be anxious - find patience
   What possessions, can bring fulfillment
Don't Waste Your Life, like the fool phil spent
Things; I don't need, won't use, can't afford
My shelter's not a status symbol! I need no more 

In life, we need a cure for anxiety
Sometimes, passion is sure to die in me
Desire ends, when satisfaction begins
Expire my sins, dissatisfaction within
   Compare me to a bird
   Compare me to a flower
   Am I a letter in your word
   Or a second in your hour
In life, we need a cure for anxiety
Sometimes, passion is sure to die in me
Expire my sins, dissatisfaction within
Desire ends, when satisfaction begins
   Compare me to a flower
   Compare me to a bird
   Am I a second in your hour
   Or a letter in your word

Additional Notes:

Matthew 6:25-34
Phillipians 4

20-30 million Americans have Chronic Anxiety
1/6 people suffer from insomnia

Quote: "No one made an itch go away by being really good scratcher"  

A poem inspired by today's Worship (@BoLane)

As I look out to the congregation
I see my community in heaven. A compilation
Looking forward to knowing them more
Reminisce on eathly lives, what we explored 
   Times we were bored & floored with joy
All the people we touched, every girl and boy
How we impacted them. Emotionally as well
A spiritual journey. That's why we can't fail
   Here & now. We stand on the rock
The spirit is like lightning, such a shock
I need family first, my brother and father
Unite us. Even your mother and daughter
   Im thankful, for the blessing you sent
I'm finding satelites in this paradise bent
Even when words don't make much sense
Forgive my sins. This is why I repent 

Friday, October 16, 2009

Should Christian Engineers allow Secular Artists to Record

If I am a Christian, that is an Engineer...

Should I allow secular artists / musicians to record at my studio? I'm a businessman and my business is to record artists in need of some engineer, producing and so on. If that okay, if its for business?

I know we have talked about being a "Christian Producer". The Ham Sandwich Show talked about Christian's using their God given talent to create music for secular acts (i.e. a band member for Jay-Z).

And when I say secular, I also mean; non-christian, cussing, spiritual (but not religious), etc.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Secular vs. Gospel vs. Christian MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC


@lkgibbs20 :
Man wish I was here for the secular rap talk. Here's my thoughts on it. Secular means non-religious, which is diff. from anti-Christ....

@treborn :
which means Braille & Mr. J. Medeiros make secular music! & this is the great Christian musical debate. Secular vs. Gospel

Not so treborn, Braille proclaims Christ in his songs. Secular doesn't involve a directed focus to God in music.

I know Braille proclaims Christ, but some songs are secular aka non-religious. Braille is a smart businessman. He know how to rap
Mr. J Medeiros also directs his lyrics to God & God's love through his non-religious themes

Well, I can't really agree with that. I think that God has used some(Frontlynaz,Braille,etc.) to express the practical implications of our faith, as I said in my album review of Frontlynaz "Game Over" project. Many people don't know how to respond to that however

Some ppl feel safe with only a @lecrae but they would have to mature and know that God uses other ppl mightly in other areas

Braille could rap in secular places Lecrae may neva go, yet Lecrae gets to go overseas

So I dont think that Braille could fall under that whole debate of how Christian rappers rap, ppl need to mature thats all

Mr. J is for the Kingdom to, he makes Jesus known sometimes the clearest and other times he does do artistically, but ppl know

yeah. I can relate to Braille lyrics before Lecrae lyrics. Lecrae makes me think of Sin more.
ok. So is there a secular artist that does christian music or a christian artist that does secular music? Besides MA$E

No, secular can't be Christian, its by its nature non-religious. But ppl make secular = demonic, and thats not correct

Mase is honestly on some other stuff, I don't consider him a Christian artist

The last song I heard was with him and Cam'ron, and Dasouth posted it for discussion(ppl beefed with it, they shouldnt have tho)

I won't provide a definitive answer to whether or not Mase is saved, but I see confusion following him, and Christians shouldnt have this. He has done some questionable things the last few things I've heard about him doing

by the way, whats the diff. between Christian music and gospel music?

Oh yeah. I meant Gospel music, not Christian. Mase might be a Christian? that makes secular music.
Im thinking of people like R.Kelly "Storm Is Over" or P.Diddy "Best Friend" making gospel songs. Are they Christian?

Nah, they aren't Christian. They believe in God...so do demons. Christ calls for us to follow, and thats through surrender

Christian music exemplifies the teachings of Christ. It doesn't always have to be religious. It can be shared in parables too.
Gospel music is a now popularized form of impassioned rhythmic spiritual music rooted in the solo and responsive church singing
Gospel music is central to the development of rhythm and blues and of soul music. Think Elvis, or Johnny Cash

This is in reguards to Lamar defining secular as non-religious. A lot of Christian artists make secular music.

They believe in God...so do demons. Christ calls for us to follow, and thats through surrender


"which means @braillehiphop @mrjmedeiros make secular music" I disagree COMPLETELY Mr J is very Socially Conscious & Braille is too

"I know Braille proclaims Christ but some songs are secular aka nonreligious" all his songs seem to be Christian Rap 2 me

I'll make you a compilation. I have every Braille song (not including collabs for other artists).

I have pretty much all of Braille's releases i've listened to his music & his crew and label

Christian rap to me isn't putting doctrine or Jesus name in it socially conscience and responsible songs including social justice

"@MrJMedeiros also directs his lyrics to God & God's love through his non-religious themes" making his music spiritual not secular

& that's the difference between Gospel & Christian music

"I can relate to Braille lyrics before Lecrae lyrics Lecrae makes me think of Sin more" cause God cares about life not just sin

"there a secular artist that does christian music or a christian artist that does secular?" no Christianity is multifaceted deeper

that would define it as Gospel which r.Kelly & p.Diddy makes. Not always. But churches play gospel music from secular artists

Im thinking of people like R.Kelly "Storm Is Over" or P.Diddy "Best Friend" making gospel songs. Are they Christian? NO NOT EVEN

"Xiamusic exemplifies the teachings of Christ It doesnt always have 2be religious It can be shared n parables too" true it is Xian

Gospel music is central 2 the development of R&B & soul music Think Elvis, or Johnny Cash" U can call it Gospel but its nto Xian

which leads me to think: if you have a Ministry, that doesn't (always) mean you are a disciple of Christ?

A lot of Christian artists make secular music" I disagree many serve meat in parables, proverbs & poems its still Christian

Churches may play gospel but its not spiritual if the church plays a R Kelly or P Diddy song still secular

He speaks to listeners shares from his life, about his wife, family, faith... its a wholistic message not just salvation one part

yeah! Exactly. I love @braillehiphop cuz he speaks life. Not just a big "Sin No More"! He speaks to listeners not at them!

If Christians follow Christ isn't that Secular? = not pertaining to or connected with religion @LkGibbs20 Matthew 15:8-9

What about Christian artists that do songs about Starbucks or Basketball. Those songs are secular.

but I feel you. Songs don't need a high JPM to be Christian.

Like the Bible, my Music is; Christian, Gospel, Secular, Sanctified & Multifaceted! Proverbs 8:7 Truth in the Form of Hip Hop

Monday, October 12, 2009

[Memory Box] Single - HD Remix w/ Phil Zahn (Listen+D/L)

I just finished my remix for a song I call Holy Definition. Originally, the song is written to have some fast paced rap and then breakdown with some singing. I decided to make some Radio Versions of [Memory Box] for promotional purposes. 

When I created a Radio Version of Holy Definition, I took out my original chorus and replaced it with the singing to make it sound more like a formatted song. After doing this I realized I should just make a remix that was more radio friendly. 

I present to you, a finished product in MP3 format. 
"Holy Definition Remix featuring Phil Zahn" 
The digital single includes the Acappella & Instrumental

Listen to the song, & download for free @

Chris Treborn | http://TREBORN.com 
Christian Music Reborn
Preview Christian's [Memory Box]
@ http://Treborn.Bandcamp.com

Buy the digital copy for $9.99 - includes the full length album, the instrumentals & the acappellas

Or get the 4-Disc Collector's Edition
3CDs + Live 30 minute DVD = $20

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How Do You Get Into Heaven? / Who Knows You? (@johnfehlen)

October 4th - WSFC
Pastor John Fehlen

There's a thin line between ashy and classy
If I'm on stage should I not be flashy
Should I be reserved and sanctified
Looking bored and maybe terrified
   Where should I stand. Can't be on the fence
Cuz a shameful heart eventually repents
But should I stay and worship how I do
Or would it be a sin and offend you
   Dont wanna make my brethren stumble
So should I be free or shall I be humble
I feel like your eyes cut me through
I pray you see my heart see the truth
   When you judge I hope you find a friend in me
I need love from you please. Not an enemy
Give me humility give me patience
I need love just like Galatians

The crowd hears this and they'll say
How can anyone ever be saved
(Jesus said)
there are thing some men can't change
But GOD (yes God) can do anything  

Who has sight if I was once blind
Who is righteous if you've been all your life
How far from God are we both
I remember communion as we make a toast
   Do I sin if I beg for some money
Are you perfect if you taste like honey
These comparisons are not that fair
How good is man at the end of the year
   Ive followed the commandments to a T
But I still fall short of Gods glory
Why call Jesus good, only God is good alone
You can do everything & still not have a home
   Wealth won't help, you made the wrong list
Give away your possesions, sing the song like this
Handle the circumstance and deny all evil 
A camel has a better chance entering the eye of a needle 

The crowd hears this and they'll say
How can anyone ever be saved
(Jesus said)
there are thing some men can't change
But GOD (yes God) can do anything


John newton amazing grace
Christ is a great savior

Perfect Jew faultless
Hebrew of Hebrews 
Killed followers of Christ
Saul > Paul 

If there's a god shaped hole in my heart
Is there an earth shaped hole in gods heart

Would god accept someone not perfect
Would I go to heaven if I was good but didn't go to church

The rich young ruler
Blind Bart 

Matthew 18:18
Luke 18:18
Luke 13:23
Luke 18:35
Mark 10
Matthew 7